I've been writing all morning, working out the second act of "Holy Schmidt!" I feel like I've written myself into a corner and need someone to help me write my way out of it. The tone of the play is based on an animated comedy such as a Goofy cartoon or Warner Brothers cartoon. Maybe what I need is to go back to the source of my inspiration, those cartoons, and figure out a satisfying ending. Because right now, I feel there has to be a "button," something nice that ties the whole thing together and says, "Ha. That's nice." But I've gotten so far in the realm of preachy-ness that I don't know how to get back to the comedy of it.
I suppose it's a bit like "Angels in America." Once the Angel is gone and once you've learned the truth, how do you top that? How do you bring unanswered questions into some sort of pleasing conclusion. I suppose what needs to be done is to not think so hard and let something happen. I've gotten to the meat of the play, and feel that I'm so close to finding the ending. I have to... Wait a minute! I think I figured it out! I think I know the ending! Something outlandish, something fun that hearkens back to the beginning of the play!
Okay, let's see how it works...
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