
Picasso Stage of "Holy Schmidt!"

So, yes, rewrites are going strong with "Holy Schmidt!" and I've been working diligently for hours on end each day on it. I've been moving scenes and slicing without abandon. I wonder what the play is at the moment. I feel like I've cut so many pages and so much substance. The driving force behind writing this play has been trying to bring in the structure of animated comedies onto the stage and I feel that this draft is really moving further down that line. I'm not sure what the final product will be exactly, but I'm having a good time writing it. Part of me is really afraid of what is being written because I'm not sure how far is too far. I'm kind of going into strange metatheatrical territory, commenting on the play itself, characters breaking out of character... It's funny, but I'm wondering if that takes the sting out of it. There's no way to know for sure until the play is finished. And right now, it's in what I call the "Picasso Stage." Everything is out of whack. Some parts are finished, other part appear mangled, it all goes together, but I'm not sure why or how exactly. It's a frightening stage in the writing, especially going from what was once a "finished" draft and now it's pieces, bits and pieces. I no longer have a complete play! It feels like such a step backward, but a necessary step backward. I have a great deal of energy, but my brain can't work at this level for too long. I start to get exhausted and lose my way. I need to refuel.

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