

I finished my new play "Partnering" for NaPlWriMo at the end of November. Hooray! You can read the first draft here. Be gentle, it's a first draft. It was a major challenge trying to write dance into the play that would allow the emotions to breathe without creating dances "about" an affair or "about" being sad. The dances are supposed to be about what's going on internally, yet not be specific representations of how characters are reacting. It's an odd concept, but it may work. I'm not sure.

I've been wondering about where to continue from here, what project to do next while I'm letting the first draft of "Partnering" sit. I have to iron out some small things in the first act of my musical "The Conquest of Don Pedro," which is having a small reading in early February. Then, I'm going to work on a rewrite of "All Grace," which I've been putting off for a year or so. Once "All Grace" is finished, I'll start the process of sending it out, and, at the same time, I'll begin my new play.

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